MBA Today
All about Maryland banks and bankers, their history, legacy and the people that make it happen.
MBA Today
Cybersecurity with Rob Turano
Rob Turano
Historically cybersecurity was solely in the hands of an organization’s IT department... but no longer! Every team member is responsible for understanding how to protect themselves and their organization from the vast array of online threats faced every day. And what better time than Cybersecurity Awareness Month to go over strategies to avoid becoming the next victim?
Join Rob Turano, Sandy Spring Bank’s Senior Vice President and Director of Corporate Security & Contingency Planning, for our first episode of “MBA Today’s” two-part cybersecurity series to learn more about cybersecurity investigations, how clients are being compromised, and the measures banks are taking to secure their networks/data.
Learn more about:
- The biggest cyber security threats.
- How to provide sufficient customer cyber awareness.
- The steps involved in a cybersecurity investigation.
- How to appropriately manage incident response and disaster recovery plans.