MBA Today
All about Maryland banks and bankers, their history, legacy and the people that make it happen.
MBA Today
SBA Lending with Carla McCadden
Carla McCadden
SBA loans have played an important role over the past couple of years in helping reignite Maryland’s economy, and they’re not going away anytime soon. That’s why all members of your bank’s team need the right resources to learn more about these important loans and the proper steps for giving them out.
Listen to MBA Today and join Carla McCadden, the Senior Vice President, Business Banking Team Leader at M&T Bank, for a special episode focusing on the basics of SBA loans, why they play a key role in today’s banking industry, and what resources are useful to help educate your team.
Learn more about:
- SBA loans as a whole, and why they benefit a small business over a different type of loan or credit option.
- What’s responsible for the large growth of SBA loans over the past couple of years.
- The growing number of SBA loan competitors - such as fintechs.